How to Increase your Muscle Strength

Are you ready to discover what your body is capable of achieving? If you don’t notice any difference with the same exercise routine, then it’s time to make some changes that will help you build your muscles and become stronger.

body building

Use the Right Training Strategy

One Challenge yourself in each exercise. If your goal is to gain strength, the exercise you do should never feel easy. In fact, that 30 minute to 1 hour period you spend lifting, pulling, and pushing weights every day has to be extremely uncomfortable. If not, it means that you are not putting enough stress on your muscles to make them stronger. Challenge yourself using all your strength in each exercise so that over time you can see the maximum results.

*Some expert bodybuilders advise “train until you’re exhausted.” This means that you try so hard that at the end of any given exercise you can no longer do one more repetition. By training until you can no longer put the kind of stress on your muscles that causes them to break and rebuild.

*If you’re new to strength training, consider working with a personal trainer before trying too hard. It is important that you learn the proper techniques for each type of exercise; otherwise, if you are injured you will not be able to continue training to gain strength.

Add more weight and do more reps over time

Once your body gets used to a certain amount of weight, you will have to keep adding more to continue testing yourself. You will know when it is time to add more weight to a particular routine when you start to feel easier and are able to complete several sets of repetitions without giving up. Adding another 2 kilos (5 pounds) or doing 5 more repetitions is the way to continue testing yourself and developing your muscles.

Don’t spend too much energy doing cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercises like running, swimming, and cycling are great for maintaining good endurance and healthy circulation. However, they are not the best if your goal is to become stronger. Weight training takes a lot of energy, and if you use energy running long distances or riding a bike, you won’t have enough left to do your best in weight training. Limit cardiovascular exercise to once or twice a week so that your energy reserves are ready to be spent on increasing your strength.

Get adequate rest between each exercise

If you want to become strong right away, you may be tempted to exercise every day. However, your body needs adequate rest in order to rebuild the muscle tissue that breaks down during exercise. If you exercise every day, you will never give your muscles a chance to get bigger and stronger. Make an exercise plan 3-4 days a week and remember to rotate the muscle groups.

Make decisions to lead a healthy lifestyle

Eat a lot of calories

To develop your muscles, you need to burn calories in large quantities. It is important that you eat large meals to stimulate muscle growth while you are training. With this in mind, not all calories are equally excellent for muscle development; You will want to eat healthy, whole foods that nourish and restore your muscles rather than depleting your body.

*Make sure you cover all the basic food groups. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy oils and fats.

*Avoid sugar, processed flours, salty hors d’oeuvres, fried foods, and foods packaged with additives and preservatives.

Natural Ways to Raise Testosterone

In addition to hormonal supplementation methods, there are natural ways to raise testosterone, including food, certain nutritional supplements, physical activity, and lifestyle. We may not be able to drive a Ferrari, but we can decide daily what foods to eat and what foods to avoid, what type of physical activity to do and how to manage the complications of modern life.

Is it possible to raise testosterone?

We have three fundamental tools to raise testosterone naturally:

*the diet : choose appropriate foods and using certain nutritional supplements,
*the physical activity ,
*the lifestyle : managing stress and reducing the impact on our body of substances that act as endocrine disruptors.

Diet to raise testosterone

The association between eating certain foods and improving sex drive and desire is present in popular culture. Is it a myth or is there some reality? There are certain foods that have been shown to improve blood testosterone levels and, with it, libido and the quality of sexual intercourse.

If you want to help raise your blood testosterone levels, include the following foods that raise testosterone levels in your diet :

*Pomegranate : This fruit has been shown to raise testosterone levels by as much as 15 to 30%, in addition to improving mood, heart health and blood pressure.

*Oysters : a classic among aphrodisiacs for the ability to improve libido. This function is due to its high zinc content. If you don’t like oysters or can’t eat them, you can choose other foods rich in zinc : sardines, anchovies, wild salmon, meat (organic), milk (organic) and dairy products such as yogurt or kefir , and the seeds of pumpkin.

*Foods rich in healthy fats , such as olive oil and coconut oil: fat is the base ingredient with which our internal laboratory manufactures sex hormones, and in particular testosterone. Don’t miss fats in your diet!

*Foods rich in vitamin D , such as small and medium-sized blue fish (sardines, anchovies, mackerel), eggs (organic), butter (organic and grass-fed animals) and mushrooms that have been exposed to the sun: vitamin D is another of the fundamental components in the synthesis of testosterone.

Physical activity to raise testosterone

Physical activity is another very useful tool to raise testosterone levels naturally. In particular , strength training has been shown to be the most efficient for achieving testosterone elevation and within them HIIT type training at short intervals and high intensity . Ideally, practice multi-joint exercises such as the squat, dead lift, stride, leg press, pull, pull-up, etc. in which large muscle groups are involved.

Natural Supplements to Increase Testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone that to a greater degree is in men and is produced by the testicles, with special functions for sexual reproduction and the definition of certain gender characteristics in the body, but when it loses its capacity, it is necessary to increase testosterone naturally , in order for it to exert its positive effects on the body.


In this sense, this hormone generates great benefits for male health , since it occupies a range of 85% in men, and when using natural supplements to increase testosterone the benefits are increased.

Muscle Mass

The taking natural supplements to increase testosterone in the body , it improves muscle mass in man, because it allows the muscles develop faster and increase its vigor; while, it maintains the level of nutrients necessary to contribute beneficially to body development.

For this reason, natural supplements to raise testosterone, are the best allies of those who practice exercises for muscle development, because they help to form an anabolic state in the body, in order to prepare it to favorably accept the supply of said steroid.

Bone formation

Another reason to use supplements that increase the volume of testosterone in the body is that it is involved in bone formation; meanwhile, it helps maintain its density and stability , in order to avoid the production of fractures and osteoporosis.

During the modeling of skeletal development, testosterone maintains the normal structure of the bone, increasing the space for the bone marrow, and adapting its density to the functional needs of the organism, meanwhile, helps it to affirm serum calcium levels.


Testosterone, is a beneficial hormone that contributes to the formation and maturation of sperm in the testicles , being essential for fertilization or fertility in men, therefore, its lack or low volume, intervenes in the decline in density and adequate quality of semen.

Thus, the use of natural supplements strengthens the functions of testosterone so that it works to improve male fertility; as well as in the production of nitric oxide, so that normal blood pressure levels are maintained, in cases of erectile dysfunction, while preventing chromosomal errors in women during embryonic development.

Therefore, using natural supplements to increase testosterone naturally is the most recommended, because it favorably affects the health of the body, whether at bone, muscle or sexual level; meanwhile, it stimulates cardiac performance, reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.